N de Na...C de Ci...O de O...N de Na...L de Lis...M de Mo... -3-
Autor: Tassilon-Stavros
Spain - 1940 - 1958

¡Siempre hay un tonto de turno!
The Valley of the Fallen is a Catholic basilica ["Basilica of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen"], built with the labor of enslaved political prisoners and hired workers, although the latter is questioned, between 1940 and 1958 and located in the valley of Cuelgamuros, in the municipality of San Lorenzo del Escorial, in the Community of Madrid, Spain. It is located in the Sierra de Guadarrama, 9.5 km north of the Monastery of El Escorial. The dictator Francisco Franco ordered its construction, and that José Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the Spanish Falange and 33,833 combatants in the Civil War of both sides were buried there. But it was the Republican side, loser of the war, that was enslaved, without the right to freedom, in that construction. The dictator Francisco Franco was buried in the ignominious fascist abbey.

Quitando basura nacionalista catalónica
Removing catalan nationalist garbage
¡¡Sin palabras!!
October 26-27-10-2019
"More Burning news and photos"

En la noche del 26 de octubre, sigue la última hora de las manifestaciones, los disturbios y las cargas en Barcelona. La ciudad condal se ha convertido en un campo de batalla. -On the night of October 26, the last hour of demonstrations, riots and burdens in Barcelona follows. The city has become a battlelfied.

Afortunadamente, hoy
día 27 de octubre, 400.000
catalanes-españoles, los llamados ciudadanos silenciados por el
totalitarismo de los políticos separatistas catalónicos, expresan en
total libertad su hartazgo frente al derrotado y malhadado "procés"
independentista (Huevo de la serpiente alimentado por la corrupta
familia Pujol, por el nefasto y ambicioso personaje, hoy felizmente
inhabilitado, Artur Mas, por el fugado Carles Puigdemont, y por el
presidente pelele de la Generalidad Mr. Torra), y han llevado a cabo
una gran
manifestación en Barcelona entre clamores por la unión de España y la
recuperación del sentido común en Catalonia. "No hay barricada o insulto
que frene el sueño de una España unida"-"El último golpista que apague
la luz"... Albert Rivera, presidente de "Ciudadanos" -Cs- -
Fortunately, today October 27, 400.000 Catalan-Spaniards the so-called
citizens silenced by the totalitarianism of the Catalan searatist
politicians, express their freedom in full freedom from the defeated and
ill-fated "procés"independentist (Snake Egg fed by the corrupt Pujol
family, for the nefarious and ambitious character, today happily
disabled, Arur Mas, for the fledged Carles Puigdemont, and for the puppet president
of the Catalan Generalitat, Mr. Torra), and have carried out a great
demonstration in Barcelona between clamor for the union of Spain and
the recovery of common sense in Catalonia. "There is not barricade or
insult that curbs the dream of a united Spain" - "The last coup that
turns off the light" -Albert Rivera, president of "Ciudadanos" -Cs

The referendum
(El referendum)
(La Alcaldesa promete poner orden en Barcelona)
The independist CDR preparing the attack against Barcelona, Tarragona, Lérida and Gerona
(Los CDR independentistas preparando el ataque contra Barcelona, Tarragona, Lérida y Gerona)
The indoctrinating Grandparent
(El abuelito adoctrinador)
Ape dad watching his puppies in TV3
(Papá simio viendo a sus cachorros en TV3)
TV3 = weapon od massive abomination
...Uh!, first the "botellón"
(¡Eh!, primero el botellón)
The attack
(El ataque)

"Se proclaman nuevos diosecitos nacionalistas-separatistas, aparecen en grupúsculos enfebrecidos como nueva juventud catalónica, ignara, berzotas y cafre. Sus cabezas descerebradas cubiertas con capuchas de chandals de marca, y sus rostros de energúmenos tapados a lo "Zorro". Son los cachorros de la democracia adoctrinados en el odio... -¿a qué? ¿a la democracia de todos, o, lo que es lo mismo, a la de los que no comulgan con ellos? [fieles al móvil de todos los fanáticos totalitarios: "Quien no está con nosotros está contra nosotros"] ... por sus profesores, padres, "tietas solteronas", y abuelos y abuelas "cebolletas", "cuenta batallitas" y "mea colchones", que al parecer, se han cansado de "estar bien". Crecieron en uno de los países más democráticos del mundo, como es España. Gozaron del bienestar y de la libertad que les ofreció la "Transición Española". Sus caprichos fueron siempre satisfechos, anduvieron casi vestidos de púrpura, con buenas deportivas de marca también, y las manos repletas de todos los adelantos tecnológicos que les ha procurado un país y un continente en el que la libertad ha sido y sigue siendo nuestro mayor tesoro. Pero esta juventud estudiantil catalónica, atontada y desagradecida, se siente "oprimida y ofendida" por todas las prebendas que la democracia ofreciera a su niñez y adolescencia. ¿Se puede ser más burro? Hay que repetirlo: ¡se han cansado de estar bien! Y desafían a los efectivos defensores de la paz y de los abusos, llámense "Mossos d'escuadra, Guardia Civil o Policía Nacional" ¡Un gran hurra para todos ellos!". Su manipuladora televisión privada "TV3", (la adormidera pantalla que los convierte, junto a sus ignorantes papás, abuelitos y tiítos, en grey ingrata, xenófoba e insolidaria) aplaude los actos vandálicos a que se entregan y reprueba la actuación policial que a todos nos protege. Y como, por suerte, el amor frente al odio ya va dominando en la evolución del tiempo, lo mismo que la cultura frente a la ignoracia más supina, dejemos al cretino integral (defensor de sediciosos, finalmente, "bien condenados" y portador de lacitos amarillos como cencerro que acompaña a los rebaños de borregos), pues eso, que el cretino integral siga exponiendo su teoría racista y nacionalista sobre los poros y la sensación, y que sus adoctrinadores beban ahora del propio veneno que han vertido en sus discípulos. Los niñatos separatistas catalónicos, junto a sus papás, abuelitos y tiítos, no son independentistas, son simplemente ¡¡¡IDIOTAS!!!"
"New nationalist-separatist little gods are proclaimed, they appear in febrile groups such as new Catalan youth, ignorant, fool, and beast. Their brained heads covered with hoods of branded tracksuits, and their faces of idiots covered imitating the "Zorro". They are the puppies of democracy indoctrinated in hate ... - to what? To the democracy of all, or, what is the same, to that of those who do not commune with them? {faithful to de mobile of all totalitarian and fanatics: "Who is not with us is against us" ... for their teachers, parents, "spinters aunts", and grandparents and grandmothers "scallions", "tells battles", and "pisses mattresses," which apparently have grown tired of "being well." They grew up in one of the most democratic countries in the world, as is Spain. They enjoyed the well-being and freedom that the "Spanish Transition" offered them. Their whims were always satisfied, they were almost dressed in purple, with good brand sports too, and hands full of all the technological advances that a country and a continent where freedom has been and continues to be our greatest treasure. But this Catalonian student youth, stunned and ungrateful, feels "oppressed and offended" by all the privileges that democracy offered to its childhood and adolescence. Can you be more donkey? It must be repeated: they have tired of being well! And challenge the effective defenders of peace and abuse, call "Mossos d'Escuadra, Civil Guard or National Police" A great hurray for all of them! ". His manipulative private television" TV3 ", the poppy screen that makes them, together with their ignorant parents, grandparents and uncles, ungrateful gray, xenophobic and unsupportive) applauds the acts of vandalism that are handed over and failshe police action that protects us all. And as, luckily, love against hate is already dominating the evolution of time, as well as culture against more supine ignorance, let the integral cretin (defender of seditious, finally, "well condemned" and bearer of yellow bows like cowbell that accompanies sheep flocks), well, that the integral cretin continues to expose his racist and nationalist theory about pores and sensation, and that his indoctrinators now drink the poison they have poured into his disciples. The Catalan separatist puppies, along with their parents, grandparents and uncles, are not independentists, they are simply ¡¡IDIOTS!!!"
(El papá satisfecho apaga TV3)
The final result
(El resultado final)

(¡Ahora santo cielo, no te fastida el simio!)

"España contra Cataluña" es un libro excelente y aleccionador. Un análisis riguroso y exacto que pone al descubierto los mitos, distorsiones y mentiras del catalanismo, tanto en su historia como en la actualidad.- Stanley G. Payne
"La cuestión nacionalista catalana, en esta sensacional obra, es abordada en cada uno de sus aspectos aportando, como
dice el tango, las pruebas de la infamia" -Iván Vélez (La Voz Libre)
October 26-27-10-2019
"More Burning news and photos"

"New Premiere"
October 14, 2019-26 October 2019
"Big success in Catalonia"
The beginning of the "procés
(El principio del "procés)

The referendum
(El referendum)
The Mayor promises to put order in Barcelona

The independist CDR preparing the attack against Barcelona, Tarragona, Lérida and Gerona
(Los CDR independentistas preparando el ataque contra Barcelona, Tarragona, Lérida y Gerona)
The indoctrinating Grandparent
(El abuelito adoctrinador)
Ape dad watching his puppies in TV3
(Papá simio viendo a sus cachorros en TV3)
TV3 = weapon od massive abomination
...Uh!, first the "botellón"
(¡Eh!, primero el botellón)
The attack
(El ataque)

"New nationalist-separatist little gods are proclaimed, they appear in febrile groups such as new Catalan youth, ignorant, fool, and beast. Their brained heads covered with hoods of branded tracksuits, and their faces of idiots covered imitating the "Zorro". They are the puppies of democracy indoctrinated in hate ... - to what? To the democracy of all, or, what is the same, to that of those who do not commune with them? {faithful to de mobile of all totalitarian and fanatics: "Who is not with us is against us" ... for their teachers, parents, "spinters aunts", and grandparents and grandmothers "scallions", "tells battles", and "pisses mattresses," which apparently have grown tired of "being well." They grew up in one of the most democratic countries in the world, as is Spain. They enjoyed the well-being and freedom that the "Spanish Transition" offered them. Their whims were always satisfied, they were almost dressed in purple, with good brand sports too, and hands full of all the technological advances that a country and a continent where freedom has been and continues to be our greatest treasure. But this Catalonian student youth, stunned and ungrateful, feels "oppressed and offended" by all the privileges that democracy offered to its childhood and adolescence. Can you be more donkey? It must be repeated: they have tired of being well! And challenge the effective defenders of peace and abuse, call "Mossos d'Escuadra, Civil Guard or National Police" A great hurray for all of them! ". His manipulative private television" TV3 ", the poppy screen that makes them, together with their ignorant parents, grandparents and uncles, ungrateful gray, xenophobic and unsupportive) applauds the acts of vandalism that are handed over and failshe police action that protects us all. And as, luckily, love against hate is already dominating the evolution of time, as well as culture against more supine ignorance, let the integral cretin (defender of seditious, finally, "well condemned" and bearer of yellow bows like cowbell that accompanies sheep flocks), well, that the integral cretin continues to expose his racist and nationalist theory about pores and sensation, and that his indoctrinators now drink the poison they have poured into his disciples. The Catalan separatist puppies, along with their parents, grandparents and uncles, are not independentists, they are simply ¡¡IDIOTS!!!"
Satisfied dad turns off the TV3(El papá satisfecho apaga TV3)
The final result
(El resultado final)

Now, dear heaven, the ape does bother you!
The future? May Be
(¿El futuro? Quizás)

"España contra Cataluña" es un libro excelente y aleccionador. Un análisis riguroso y exacto que pone al descubierto los mitos, distorsiones y mentiras del catalanismo, tanto en su historia como en la actualidad.- Stanley G. Payne
"Spain vs. Catalonia" is an excellent and sobering book. A rigorous and accurate analysis that reveals the myths, distortions and lies of Catalanism, both in its history and today. -Stanley G. Payne
"The Catalan nationalist question, in this sensational work, is addressed in each of its aspects by providing, as the tango says, the evidence of infamy" -Iván Vélez (The Free Voice)
"Los nacionalistas saben que actualmente las escuelas catalanas son
enormes criaderos de independentistas tan ignorantes como fanáticos.
¿Cómo si no iba a entenderse que una niña de trece años
diga que le da asco la bandera española y que no la quiere ver ni
aunque sea ardiendo? ¿Qué decirle a un padre cuyo hijo de once años
llega a casa traumatizado porque en el colegio les han dicho
que en 1714 "nos bombardearon los españoles”?"- (AGON, Grupo de estudios filosóficos)
"The nationalists know that currently Catalan schools are huge breeding grounds of independentists as ignorant as fanatics. How else would it be understood that a thirteen-year-old girl says she is disgusted by the Spanish flag and does not want to see it even if it is burning ? What to say to a father whose eleven-year-old son comes home traumatized because in school they have been told that in 1714 "the Spanish bombed us"? "- (AGON, Group of philosophical studies)
ese cúmulo de falsificaciones, que, a veces, a pesar de la
indignante falacia de los separatistas catalanes, hacen aflorar no ya la
irritación, sino la franca
carcajada, Laínz es mordaz e irónico al exhibir la
estupidez mayúscula de algunos asertos de personajes y
personajillos (seánse fanáticos líderes políticos y presidentillos de
organizaciones pseudo culturales) de tal magnitud algunos, que se diría
que el pretendido secesionismo catalán, adoctrinador, totalitario y
xenófobo, es únicamente obra de orates
recluidos en algún instituto psiquiátrico"-Ángel Maestro (Razón Española)"The nationalists know that currently Catalan schools are huge breeding grounds of independentists as ignorant as fanatics. How else would it be understood that a thirteen-year-old girl says she is disgusted by the Spanish flag and does not want to see it even if it is burning ? What to say to a father whose eleven-year-old son comes home traumatized because in school they have been told that in 1714 "the Spanish bombed us"? "- (AGON, Group of philosophical studies)
"Exhuming that cluster of counterfeits, which, sometimes, despite the outrageous fallacy of the Catalan separatists, cause irritation not only to emerge, but the frank laugh, Laínz is scathing and ironic to exhibit the stupidity of some character assertions. and personajillos (be fanatical political leaders and presidentillos of pseudo cultural organizations) of such magnitude some, that it would be said that the alleged Catalan secessionism, indoctrinator, totalitarian and xenophobe, is only the work of orates held in some psychiatric institute "-Angel Maestro (Spanish Reason)
"El escritor Jesús Laínz desenmaraña en "España contra Cataluña" las mentiras históricas sobre las que se asienta el nacionalismo catalán desde hace un siglo. Los documentos escritos nos revelan que el secesionismo catalán nunca tuvo razón de ser en la Historia compartida entre Cataluña y el resto de los territorios españoles. La Cataluña medieval y la Corona de Aragón, la conquista de América, la lengua catalana, el 1714, la Guerra Civil... son algunos episodios que, tergiversados, se ponen al servicio del imaginario independentista. (ABC)
"The writer Jesús Laínz unravels in" Spain against Catalonia "the historical lies on which Catalan nationalism has been based for a century. Written documents reveal to us that Catalan secessionism was never right in history shared between Catalonia and the rest of the Spanish territories: Medieval Catalonia and the Crown of Aragón, the conquest of America, the Catalan language,1714, the Civil War ... are some episodes that, misrepresented, are put at the service of the independence imaginary. (ABC)
"España contra Cataluña", un libro que hará historia. Un clásico vivo.- Armando de Miguel (Libertad Digital)
"Spain vs. Catalonia", a look that will make history. A live classic. - Armando de Miguel (Digital Freedom)

"Running! --¡¡Por piernas!!
"Burning news"
"Tragic Week"- 1909 year -
"The tsunami catalonico is coming again"
and now...

The Generalitat President heats the environment...

and people answer...

but people start to get angry! (... vamos, ¡que la gente empieza a estar hasta los gayumbos!)
and how do yoy continue like this , you are going to burn to the Holy Family that has been building for a century! (vamos, ¡que como sigáis así, os vais a cargar hasta la Sagrada Familia que lleva un siglo construyéndose!)...
but Mr. Torra, "errr.... errr", believing himself a new Nero, feels happy and intones "The reapers" (Pero Mr. Torra - o Tuesta, que es lo mismo- erre que erre, creyéndose un nuevo Nerón frente a la "Ciutat Cremada", se siente feliz y entona "Els segadors")
Like a goat! (¡Como una cabra!)
Kelly, Barcelona misses you! (¡Kelly, Barcelona te echa de menos!)


de octubre de 2019- "El Tribunal Supremo ha condenado a los líderes
nacionalistas separatistas catalónicos. Sentencia: "Por todo lo
expuesto, en nombre del Rey y por la autoridad que le confiere la
Constitución, esta Sala ha decidido condenar a los siguientes acusados
como autores de un delito de sedición en concurso medial con un delito
de malversación, agravado por razón de su cuantía, a las siguientes
penas: Oriol Junqueras 13 años de prisión y 13 años de inhabilitación
con la consiguiente privación definitiva de todos los honores, empleos y
cargos públicos que tenga el penado, aunque sea
electivos, e incapacidad para obtener los mismos o cualesquiera otros
honores, cargos, o empleos públicos y la de ser elegido para cargo
público durante el tiempo de condena- Raül Romeva 12 años de prisión con
idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- Jordi Turull 12
años de prisión con idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta-
Dolors Bassa 12 años de prisión con idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- Carme Forcadell 11 años y 6 meses de prisión con idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- Joaquim Forn 10 años y 6 meses de prisión con idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- Josep Rull 10 años y 5 meses de prisión con idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- Jordi Sánchez 9 años de prisión con idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- Jordi Cuixart 9 años de prisión con
idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- -Delito de
desobediencia: -Santiago Vila pena de multa de 60.000 euros e con idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- Meritxell Borràs pena de multa de 60.000 euros e con idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta- Carles Mundó pena de multa de 60.000 euros e con
idéntica inhabilitación a la anteriormente expuesta.
October 14, 2019- "Catalan separatists Sentence: "For all the above, in the name of the King and by the a authority conferred on him by the Constitution, this chamber has decided to condemn the following defendants as perpetrators of a sedition criem in a medial contest with a crime of embezzlement, aggravated by reason of its amount, to the following penalties: Oriol Junqueras 13 years in prison and 13 years of disqualification with the consequent definitive deprivation of all the honors, jobs and public charges that the prisoner has, even if elective, and inability to obtain the same or anu other honors, charges, or public employment and that of being elected to public office during the time of conviction- Raül Romeva 12 years in prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Jordi Turull 12 years in prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Dolors Bassa 12 years in prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Carme Forcadell 11 years and 6 months of prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Joaquim Forn 10 years and 6 months of prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Josep Rull 10 years and 5 months of prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Jordi Sánchez 9 years in prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Jordi Cuixart 9 years on prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Crime of disobedience: -Santiago Vila penalty of fine of 60.000 euros and with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Meritxell Borràs penalty of fine of 60.000 euros and with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Carles Mundó penalty of fine of 60.000 euros and with identical disqualification from the one previously stated"
-"16 de octubre de 2019- El Gobierno en funciones de España, desde la Moncloa ha advertido que garantizará la seguridad en el territorio" -- "October 16, 2019 - The acting Government of Spain, from Moncloa has warned that it will guarantee security in the territory"
"The Catalan Generalitat (Catalan Government) sponsors the new tourist season in Barcelona"
October 14, 2019- "Catalan separatists Sentence: "For all the above, in the name of the King and by the a authority conferred on him by the Constitution, this chamber has decided to condemn the following defendants as perpetrators of a sedition criem in a medial contest with a crime of embezzlement, aggravated by reason of its amount, to the following penalties: Oriol Junqueras 13 years in prison and 13 years of disqualification with the consequent definitive deprivation of all the honors, jobs and public charges that the prisoner has, even if elective, and inability to obtain the same or anu other honors, charges, or public employment and that of being elected to public office during the time of conviction- Raül Romeva 12 years in prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Jordi Turull 12 years in prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Dolors Bassa 12 years in prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Carme Forcadell 11 years and 6 months of prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Joaquim Forn 10 years and 6 months of prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Josep Rull 10 years and 5 months of prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Jordi Sánchez 9 years in prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Jordi Cuixart 9 years on prison with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Crime of disobedience: -Santiago Vila penalty of fine of 60.000 euros and with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Meritxell Borràs penalty of fine of 60.000 euros and with identical disqualification from the one previously stated -- Carles Mundó penalty of fine of 60.000 euros and with identical disqualification from the one previously stated"
-"16 de octubre de 2019- El Gobierno en funciones de España, desde la Moncloa ha advertido que garantizará la seguridad en el territorio" -- "October 16, 2019 - The acting Government of Spain, from Moncloa has warned that it will guarantee security in the territory"
"The Catalan Generalitat (Catalan Government) sponsors the new tourist season in Barcelona"

-La Policía Nacional detiene a la persona que agredió en Tarragona a
una ciudadana que llevaba una bandera española. El agresor ha sido
puesto a disposición de la justicia por delito contra el ejercicio de
los derechos fundamentales, libertades públicas y delito leve de
lesiones"-- "The National Police detains the person who assaulted a citizen in Tarragona who carried a spanish flag. The aggressor has been brought to justice for a crime against the exercise of fundamental rights, public liberties, and mild crime of injury"

"Notice to potential tourists"
"Barcelona burns again"
"Walk away"

por funestas discordias, los humanos se lanzan
de nuevo, blandiendo cierto poder de radical adoctrinamiento, en los
rompientes del oleaje mas destructivo de la vida: ¡el nacionalismo! El
aprender de los testimonios amargos y nefastos de pasados tiempos no ha
aumentado las inteligencias de las turbas. Y es que la vía de opinión no
jamás vía de conocimiento. Y por ello mismo, la vía de la opinión no es
ni una
segunda ni tercera vía. No vamos a descubrir que el engaño afecta al ser
y al pensar. Y
por ello es posible que en la mente humana se subjetivicen cosas que en
no están. Así, la opinión misma es mudable, puesto que casi siempre se
funda en lo no real.
Existe, por desgracia, el camino de la ignorancia. Y esta senda se abre
ante ilusorios devenires
que declinan los pensamientos sobre lo múltiple y beneficioso de que la
humanidad acorte sus displicentes distancias. Meditar sobre nuestros
en la única Tierra que conocemos y las cosas que en ella han sucedido y
no deberían concentrarse nunca en exhalaciones sombrías, que al exceder,
generan odio y violencia, discordias y guerras.
[Separated by grim discords, humans throw themselves again, wielding some power of radical indoctrination, in the breakers of life's most destructive waves: nationalism! Learning from the bitter and ominous testimonies of past times has not increased the intelligences of the mobs. And it is that the way of opinion will never be the way of knowledge. And for this reason, the way of opinion is neither a second nor third way. We are not going to discover that deception affects being and thinking. And so it is possible that in the human mind things that are not really subjectivized are subjectivized. Thus, opinion itself is mutable, since it is almost always based on the unreal. There is, unfortuna tely, the path of ignorance. And this path opens before illusory paths that decline thoughts about the multiple and beneficial of humanity shortening its displicent distances. Meditate on our travels in the only Earth we know and the things that have happened and happen in it should never concetrate on shady exhalations, wich, when exceeded, generate hatred and violence, discords and wars.]
Cada período del tiempo es consumido por un fuego cíclico que conocemos por vida. En ella, tras la lucha por el nacimiento, entramos en armonía con nuestro mundo. Luego, creciendo, aprendemos que para los mortales no hay garantía alguna de verdad, porque todos los actos de nuestra existencia existen tan sólo en el nivel de la opinión. Y que es el camino de la persuasión el que acompaña nuestra siempre subjetiva verdad. Vivimos captados por una mente dualista que prevalece sobre las intenciones. Una, imaginamos, según la verdad, y otra según la opinión.
[Each period of time is consumed by a cyclic fire that we know for life. In it, after the struggle for birth, we enter into armony with our world. Then, growing up, we learn that for mortals there is no guarantee of truth, because all the acts of our existence exist only at the level of opinion. And that it is the path of persuasion that accompanies our always subjetive truth. We live captured by a dualistic mind that prevails over intentions. One, we imagine, according to the truth, and another according to the opinion.]
No hay que guardar silencio para que otros griten. Cierto es que ningún
humano se mueve en una región clara y pura, entre distancias proporcionadas. Ya
hemos aprendido que todo lo que en el mundo sucede no depende de una acción
divina. Y también hemos aprendido cuán catastrófica puede ser a veces la vía de la
opinión, a la que, por otro lado, tenemos pleno derecho de tenencia. Lo
contrario sería intolerancia y arbitrariedad. Pero ya que cientos de siglos pretéritos nos han demostrado
dolorosamente que nuestras conductas, como los brebajes venenosos, no se
descomponen si se las agita, lo justo es que el hombre cabal no afirme
poseer más sabiduría que otros; que es de desear la existencia de un paralelismo sensato en
nuestros juicios, y que nada ni nadie convierta esa enfermedad sagrada del
pensamiento en objeto de rencor y odio.
[Do not keep silent for others to shout. It is true that no human moves in a clear and pure region, between distances provided. We have already learned that everything that happens in the world does not depend on a divine action. And we have also learned how catastrophic the opinion path can sometimes be, to wich, on the other hand, we have full tenure rights. The opposite would be intolerance and arbitrariness. But since hundreds of past centuries have painfully shown us that behaviors, such as poisonous concoctions, do not descompose if they are agitated, it is only fair that man does not claim to possess more wisdom than others; that the existence of a sensible parallelism in our judgments is to be desired, and that nothing and nobody converts that sacred disease of thought into an object of resentment and hatred.]
radicalización del nacionalismo abunda en la sinrazón. Y, como apuntó
Aristóteles, niega totalmente la coexistencia "del lado de allá", y
acepta la perversión. Se aferra, únicamente, a los razonamientos
aplicables a la realidad que ha engendrado. El nacionalismo es como un
dominio de lo contrario, que da cumplimiento a un lucro violento, con
natural tendencia a la destrucción. Nunca escapa del empacho que
acompaña la envidia y el resentimiento. Y logra inocular en el hombre el
olvido de todo tipo de maldades y calamidades pretéritas. Jamás puede
ir al país de la responsabilidad y la ley, porque su placer consiste en
procrear una nueva interpretación de la concordia y la justicia, buenas
tan sólo para su propósito. Y en consecuencia promete todo tipo de
privilegios. Miente cuando sube a la tribuna y asegura que se basta con
unas pocas cosas, porque lo hace para no participar de ningún tipo de
solidaridad. Y tan profunda causa tiene, que no duda en asegurar que su
vecino se dedica a la avaricia, y roba.
[The radicalization of nationalism abounds in unreasonableness. And, as Aristotle pointed out, he totally denies the "side-by-side" coexistence, and accepts perversion. It clings only to the reasoningm applicable to the reality it has engendered. Nationalism is like a domain of the opposite, that fulfills a violent profit, with a natual tendency to destruction. He never escapes the "empacho" ("indigestion") that accompanies envy and resentment. And it manages to inoculate in man the forgetting of all kinds of evils and past calamities. He can never go to the country of responsibility and the law, because his pleasure is to procreate a new interpretation of concord and justice, good only for his purpose. And consequently promises alls kinds of privileges. He lies when he goes up to the stand and ensures that a few things are enough, because he does so in order not to participate in any kind of solidarity. And it has such a deep cause that he does not hesitate to ensure that his neighbor is dedicated to greed, and steals]
El nacionalismo afirma saberlo todo, y la vista de otros es engaño. Su totalitarismo tiene trono. Se convierte en misántropo de las conductas ajenas. Pero se vale como maestro de la muchedumbre. Y al final afirma que para sus injusticias no hay justicia. El círculo de su comienzo y fin es uno. Es mejor ocultar la idiotez, pero si se está embriagado es difícil. Y cuando el nacionalismo insolidario se quita el estiércol de encima, sigue apestando.
[Nationalism claims to know everything, and the sight of others is deceit. His totalitarianism has a throne. He becomes a misanthrope of other people's behaviors. But he uses the crowd as a teacher. And in the end he affirms that for his injustices there is no justice. The circle of its beginning and end is one. It is better to hide idiocy, but if you are drunk it is difficult. And when unsupportive nationalism removes manure from it, it still sucks.]

[Separated by grim discords, humans throw themselves again, wielding some power of radical indoctrination, in the breakers of life's most destructive waves: nationalism! Learning from the bitter and ominous testimonies of past times has not increased the intelligences of the mobs. And it is that the way of opinion will never be the way of knowledge. And for this reason, the way of opinion is neither a second nor third way. We are not going to discover that deception affects being and thinking. And so it is possible that in the human mind things that are not really subjectivized are subjectivized. Thus, opinion itself is mutable, since it is almost always based on the unreal. There is, unfortuna tely, the path of ignorance. And this path opens before illusory paths that decline thoughts about the multiple and beneficial of humanity shortening its displicent distances. Meditate on our travels in the only Earth we know and the things that have happened and happen in it should never concetrate on shady exhalations, wich, when exceeded, generate hatred and violence, discords and wars.]
Cada período del tiempo es consumido por un fuego cíclico que conocemos por vida. En ella, tras la lucha por el nacimiento, entramos en armonía con nuestro mundo. Luego, creciendo, aprendemos que para los mortales no hay garantía alguna de verdad, porque todos los actos de nuestra existencia existen tan sólo en el nivel de la opinión. Y que es el camino de la persuasión el que acompaña nuestra siempre subjetiva verdad. Vivimos captados por una mente dualista que prevalece sobre las intenciones. Una, imaginamos, según la verdad, y otra según la opinión.
[Each period of time is consumed by a cyclic fire that we know for life. In it, after the struggle for birth, we enter into armony with our world. Then, growing up, we learn that for mortals there is no guarantee of truth, because all the acts of our existence exist only at the level of opinion. And that it is the path of persuasion that accompanies our always subjetive truth. We live captured by a dualistic mind that prevails over intentions. One, we imagine, according to the truth, and another according to the opinion.]

[Do not keep silent for others to shout. It is true that no human moves in a clear and pure region, between distances provided. We have already learned that everything that happens in the world does not depend on a divine action. And we have also learned how catastrophic the opinion path can sometimes be, to wich, on the other hand, we have full tenure rights. The opposite would be intolerance and arbitrariness. But since hundreds of past centuries have painfully shown us that behaviors, such as poisonous concoctions, do not descompose if they are agitated, it is only fair that man does not claim to possess more wisdom than others; that the existence of a sensible parallelism in our judgments is to be desired, and that nothing and nobody converts that sacred disease of thought into an object of resentment and hatred.]

[The radicalization of nationalism abounds in unreasonableness. And, as Aristotle pointed out, he totally denies the "side-by-side" coexistence, and accepts perversion. It clings only to the reasoningm applicable to the reality it has engendered. Nationalism is like a domain of the opposite, that fulfills a violent profit, with a natual tendency to destruction. He never escapes the "empacho" ("indigestion") that accompanies envy and resentment. And it manages to inoculate in man the forgetting of all kinds of evils and past calamities. He can never go to the country of responsibility and the law, because his pleasure is to procreate a new interpretation of concord and justice, good only for his purpose. And consequently promises alls kinds of privileges. He lies when he goes up to the stand and ensures that a few things are enough, because he does so in order not to participate in any kind of solidarity. And it has such a deep cause that he does not hesitate to ensure that his neighbor is dedicated to greed, and steals]
El nacionalismo afirma saberlo todo, y la vista de otros es engaño. Su totalitarismo tiene trono. Se convierte en misántropo de las conductas ajenas. Pero se vale como maestro de la muchedumbre. Y al final afirma que para sus injusticias no hay justicia. El círculo de su comienzo y fin es uno. Es mejor ocultar la idiotez, pero si se está embriagado es difícil. Y cuando el nacionalismo insolidario se quita el estiércol de encima, sigue apestando.
[Nationalism claims to know everything, and the sight of others is deceit. His totalitarianism has a throne. He becomes a misanthrope of other people's behaviors. But he uses the crowd as a teacher. And in the end he affirms that for his injustices there is no justice. The circle of its beginning and end is one. It is better to hide idiocy, but if you are drunk it is difficult. And when unsupportive nationalism removes manure from it, it still sucks.]
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